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History of Tonka Toy Fire Fighting Trucks Firetrucks
Tonka Toys has had a long history of manufacturing Fire Trucks, Starting in 1954 with the 700-4 MFD Branded Ladder truck shown below. The early fire trucks were labeled MFD for Mound Fire Dept. The 1954 version did not have a light AND a siren, it just has the siren on the roof, later models would have the siren on the fender and a light on the roof of the cab. It is easy to see why these truck have become so popular with collectors today. Each of the trucks shown below has a full page of photos and description.
1954 Tonka Aerial Ladder Fire Truck 1957 Tonka Toys Suburban Pumper Fire Truck  
  1959 White MFD Tanker Truck
1954 700-4 MFD Aerial Ladder Truck 1957 number 44 Suburban Pumper   1959 White MFD Tanker Truck  
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